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Elizaveta Poliakova: ESTEL – Tanz

„Estel“ is a multi-dimensional dance piece that merges the worlds of performance
and sculpture.
Drawing inspiration from Tolkien’s mythology, the piece is a deep exploration of the
concept of hope, specifically Estel, the idea of a hope that is unbound by
circumstances, a trust that cannot be defeated by the ways of the world.
Throughout the performance, the solo dancer takes the audience on a journey
through the emotional landscapes of hope, weaving moments of despair, anger, and
ultimate harmony together.

Music: Edgardo Rudnitzky
Sculpture: Alexandra Slawa
Light: Emese Csornai
Costume: Federico Polucci
Video: Alvaro S. Rodriguez
Artistic advice: Maria Marta Colusi
Choreography, concept, dance: Elizaveta Poliakova
Special thanks: Joseph Devitt Tremblay

© Alvaro S. Rodriguez

Entrance: 15 €/ 10 €

All spaces are level to the ground or accessible by ramp. Should you be faced with accessability issues, please reach out to us via or 030 47 98 01 52 in advance. We will do our best to facilitate your visit.