On 5th of November we had another meeting from our series „Steps of the Community Art“. This time we were developing both body and voice under the guidance of Joris Camelin- dancer, performer, improviser with over 20 years of experience in performing and teaching.

In a group of fiftheen people, we started with a gentle massage, then we moved to body warm up on the floor, using also our breath and voice. While warming up we were also playing with different qualities of focus.
Then we started to move more and more into the space, using different exercises and searching for different movement qualities in a group and individually. We were also working by activating different body parts..
Then we divided to pairs in order to observe the work of our partners, moving in different qualities. Afterwards we had some time to share our impressions and thoughts, made during the observation.
After that we started a voice improvisation in a group, experimenting with breath, rhytm and different sounds.

Later on there were also some time to discuss our process and share our thoughts in a group. It was an amazing opportunity to reach for more movement and voice awareness, search for unknown qualities of our actions and express our process not only through the body but also put it into words during the discussion.
The Open Training is part of the „Impulslinien Recherche & Vermittlung Community of Art (Practices of Community-Art) organized by Theater Expedition Metropolis and curated by Daniela Marcozzi / Marcozzi Contemproary Theater.